Email your Reps

This list is for the plan we developed in our meeting to call all 53 Republican senators to let them know what you think about  closing and firing staff to gut our federal agencies. 

To help you with your calls, here is a phone script you can use or adapt. I am attaching the two scripts in a Word document, in case you prefer it that way.

Hello, my name is ——————–. I live in ___(town/city____, zip code _______.

I am very worried about the Trump administrations’s attack on the federal government programs that our country and communities depend on. (Optional:  Insert one or two lines here about which programs cuts will affect you, your family oryour neighbors personally.) Please– we need you to fight harder to stop Trump’s illegal and unjust actions now. We are counting on you.  

Now, there’s another critial call to make. Call Marie Glusenkamp Perez on Monday.  

The House Republican budget bill will be brought to the floor on Tuesday. This bill  includes huge cuts to Medicaid, Medicare & other services. Those cuts will be used to pay for enormous tax cuts to the billionaires and corporations that would remain in effect for ten years. Trump likes the House budget because it raises the debt limit by $4 trillion. Here’s a link to one article for more information.

Marie was the ONLY Democrat in Congress to vote Yes in support of Trump’s budget proposal in January.

We can’t count on her to vote No on this Trump endorsed budget proposal.

Please call her office on Monday morning and tell her to vote NO on this budget bill.  The Vancouver office won’t address this or any legislative messages.

MGP in Washington DC:     202 225-3536

You can use or adapt the following phone script for your call to Marie:

Hello, my name is ——————–. I live in ___(town/city____, zip code _______.

I am very worried about the House Republican budget bill that will be brought to the floor on Tuesday. This bill cuts funding to Medicaid, Medicare and SNAP programs to name only a few. It cuts to services to people in need in order to fund even greater tax cuts for the wealthiest billionaires and corporations in our nation for ten years. (Optional:  Insert one or two lines here about which programs cuts will affect you personally, your family or your neighbors.) I know that you voted Yes to support the Trump budget proposal in January. Please– we need you to vote NO this time to block the Trump endorsed budget bill. We are counting on you and watching how you cast your vote.  

It is a critical time in our country. Not a time for business as usual.  And as Jay Inslee said last month, “We need to get up on our hind legs and stop this guy every place we can.” Thank you all for making these calls

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