I am David Turnoy, chair of the San Juan County Democrats for the last eight years. I would like to ask for your help and the help of your LPO in actions that will help solve the budget crisis in WA and fight against the current Trump madness.
There are several bills targeting progressive revenue like a wealth tax currently kicking around in the legislature. In talking to one of our representatives, he said that in order to pass something this year, legislators need to see popular support for progressive revenue legislation. Therefore at our recent county Democrats meeting, we passed a motion calling for such action by the legislature, and we will be submitting that to our three legislators. Attached you will find a document that explains the need for such legislation, and it gives you the wording of a motion that you can adapt to your LPO. I would ask that you consider such a measure in your LPO asap; if you have a meeting coming up, that could be where you do this; if you won’t meet for a while, perhaps you could do it by email. Once you pass such a measure, you would want to send it to your legislators, and if you wouldn’t mind, I would welcome receiving an email from you telling me of your success. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I have two actions your people can take to oppose Trump. One is to Boycott Amazon, Facebook, Tesla, Starlink, Twitter/X, The Washington Post, Microsoft, Oracle, Instagram, and all of the other Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, Gates, Trump, and Larry Ellison properties. Hit the oligarchs where it hurts.
The other action is to volunteer for and/or give money to the three Democrats running in the special Congressional elections where Trump has taken the Republican members of the House to serve in his administration. Admittedly these are red districts, but as people become angrier about the lawless actions of the government, there may be more of a chance to elect Democrats to these seats. Here is very brief information on the three candidates:
A. Florida district 1 – Gay Valimont (D) Gun control advocate April 1 election
Donate at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gay-valimont
Volunteer (text/phone, etc.) at https://gayforcongress.com/get-involved
B. Florida district 6 – Josh Weil (D)Teacher April 1 election
Donate at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/jweilfl6
Volunteer at https://www.joshweil.us/
C. New York district 21 – Blake Gendebien (D) Dairy Farmer Election date not set
Donate at https://secure.actblue.com/donate/gendebien_website?refcode=website-footer
Volunteer at https://blakegendebienforcongress.com/
Let’s beat these uncaring oligarchs!
David Turnoy
Chair, San Juan County Democrats